It’s been a while since I posted last. I have been busy painting a houseful of furniture a client brought to me {post to come soon on the progress} and then the tornado hit Oklahoma on May 20th. This was a little too close to home for me. We are from the area it hit and my whole family still lives there. And for the past 5 months, behind the scenes, we have been trying to move home. When God opened many doors and even cracks in windows to let that happen, He closed more than were opened. So, we’ve been in the process of unpacking a move that never happened. I have to say where that tornado touched down was just a few miles from where we almost moved- & that was a little feeling of God protecting us and still being torn with truly wanting to be closer to our family.
My heart was heavy and I had to spring into action to help. I just couldn’t sit being so far away and NOT do something. I have realized since starting this blog, I can reach so many more people with my heart and words. I can share my sweet Mia and all the joys of her Down Syndrome and I can share the need of the people there in OK. So without much thought, on Tuesday I put out a request on facebook to HELP!! I knew we could go home that weekend to see family and our home church had become one of the disaster relief centers for those in need!! I was overwhelmed by the response and how everyone truly wanted to do something to help as well!! It was wonderful to see all the generosity amongst neighbors and friends. Donations began showing up on my doorstep. And we were able to fill a trailer and head to Oklahoma that Saturday.
With help of a new friend Lara of Sepia Bloom {located in the Frisco Mercantile}, she rallied her neighbors and friends and a load went out ahead of ours. I was thrilled that her friend was going to be able to see all the good that was being done!! She shared this picture and sweet words which I shared with Journey!!
“So moved and inspired today by the volunteers at Journeychurch in Norman, OK. We delivered a truck load of supplies from our family and many other families in our neighborhood. I was so impressed by the sheer number of volunteers and volume of donations that continue to pour in. Those volunteers knew exactly what to do with everything!! Clearly this isn’t their first rodeo!!! They set up everything in rooms for victims to select from. What was so amazing though was the incredible volume of donations and how organized it all was. I was blown away. Thank you to everyone that donated!!!”
When Journey Church first started taking the donations, they used the inside of the church for the warehousing. When we got there on Saturday, there were semi’s and so many donations, that they secured a 20,000 sq ft tent to begin warehousing the goods for those who needed them. The process of taking out all the donations from the church to the tent was underway and we were there to help. Journey was going to be in this for the long haul and they needed to be able to worship the next morning. It was one of the most wonderful sights to see… hundreds of people helping sort through all the donations and put on shelves. All the while, families in need being received through the front doors and runners shopping for their needs. Hundreds more volunteers going out to the field {ground zero} helping in whatever way they could. They were clearing rubble, looking for those few possessions they could secure, roof help, bringing in supplies. It was such an honor to be a small part of the big picture!!
We spent all day helping with our two oldest and then all day Sunday with our families. My dad lived less than 2 miles from where it hit. My husbands mother taught at a Vo-tech in the area less than half a mile away that night that it hit. It is hard to wrap your head around the devastation. It is one thing seeing it on tv but being there was surreal. We lived there when May 3rd’s tornado hit. I remember it well. But this was worse. And my heart truly aches for those that will have to rebuild and move on from all that they lost. It is so important to me as a mother, to teach my children to have a serving heart. From the littlest ways that seem more like a chore to the big ways that help people gain hope for their futures. There is healing for everyone in giving. And there is no better way to teach serving and giving than in a time such as this. God is so good to bring forth such Good in the midst of tragedy.
We drove through the area because my daughter is in a photography class and she wanted to do a photo essay and share with her class. I took the following pictures and many more but I’ll share these with you.
The first group of pictures is what you see right off of I-35 going through Moore.
These next pictures are back in the areas hit hardest.
In this picture below the first couple of streets looking into the neighborhood are just gone… before some were spared with damages.
And across from the last house above was this house completely untouched…
If you are still looking for a way to help, our church has teamed up with a Disaster Relief agency and they have a site called The needs will still remain for many months to come. They stopped collecting supplies and have moved towards monetary donations that can help serve those needing assistance and gift cards. And they are still sending teams into the field to help. They need lots of volunteers to help!! It’s a wonderful thing to be able to help those who can never repay you. It comforts their hearts and yours. Being the hands and feet of Jesus the best we can!!
Thank you for stopping in…. ~ Lori