While I support the Pink Ribbon… I’m wearing a Blue and Gold!!

This month is going by sooo quickly!! 

Celebrating Birthdays of two of my kiddos…

Just came back from the Southern Blogger’s Conference {soo much to share on that one!!}…

Getting ready for Vintage Market Days in just 3 short weeks… 

But this month is WAY more than all of that!!

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month!!

And Our local Down Syndrome Guild hosts a Buddy Walk each year. 

This was our first year!! She wasn’t walking but she was rocking that extra cute chromosome for sure!!

So much is unknown about what Down Syndrome is and what it looks like in every day life!!

But honestly, she’s just like my other 3!! She’s smart, she’s funny, she’s happy, she gets sad and mad!!

She plays and she learns to all of this just a little bit slower!!

We go to several therapies a week for Speech, Occupational, and Physical. 

Our therapists have become some of our best friends in this life!!

We aren’t saints for adopting this little angel… She’s blessed our family and many close to us more than we could ever bless her!!

She is the joy and light in all of our hearts!! She fills a room with wonder and awe in all that she does!!

Last year we walked in the Tarrant County Walk due to schedule conflicts.

But she was walking!!! What an amazing amazing thing it was to see her walking in her second walk!!

She loves loves bubbles!!

This year our schedule won’t allow the walk but we have friends who are walking!!

This little angel Kaylen is a dear friend of ours and I want to still support them and the wonderful cause!!

So for all the paint sold during this month of October I am donating 10% of the sales to Team Kaylen’s Rainbow!!

If you don’t need paint and would still like to donate feel free to click the link and read her precious story and still donate!!

Every amount small and large helps build awareness and support this wonderful organization that brings

such wonderful groups together, for teens and new parents, all the way to adult programs!!

We are blessed to have such a wonderful support team and Guild in our area!!

I know this was a little out of the “painted furniture” area of the blog but I feel it’s important you know my heart!!

Thank you!! ~ Lori



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  1. Shannon Fox says:

    What a wonderful sentiment and a wonderful charity to support! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  2. Colleen says:

    I started following your blog a few weeks ago and love everything I’ve seen you do so far! I love your sense of style and the easy way you put things together. Then I read this post and was so pleasantly surprised! I have a daughter with DS also and although I think the DS organizations do a good job of promoting themselves in their communities, I haven’t seen much about Down Syndrome Awareness anywhere else in blogdom except on blogs written specifically about DS or special needs. Thanks for getting the word out about our amazing kids and showing us your heart.

    • Lori says:

      I agree sooo much!! I know when we adopted we couldn’t find any information. I would love to add in our story in a special page eventually… I think the message is just too important!! Thank you sooo much for taking the time to comment!! ~ Lori

  3. James Keeley says:

    As Allways your thoughts are spot on, this is a powerful message……….you seam to have a talent to dig deep enough to find the real meaning of things. Hats offf for this message. Thanks


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