Man life has gotten so busy that I truly need another 2 or 3 me’s!! You know one to do all the administrative things, painting, {I’ll keep the mom part for me}, and whatever else I need done… heehee
But I am loving it!! The shop is coming along. I absolutely love working with Melissa. It has been so fun painting and having someone to talk to you. Dreaming of a vision that we have and and knowing that even if it isn’t now that it all comes true- it’s out there for us to keep dreaming and going after!!
I also love that I am now establishing some balance that I once was lacking. I have hours that I will be working and hours that I will come home and get to be mom!! That has been out of whack for a while now and it’s feeling pretty good tonight!! I used to know that furniture was out there- waiting on me and running out to do something that “won’t take too long” was always on my mind. Or a client wanting a picture of progress late night was easy to do when it’s just out there…. well now, I have it all in my studio. Nothing left here in the ol’ garage. Pieces needing to take up there to paint but not the paint to do it!! That’s not fun for some of my clients but I know they will respect that this is my family time now!!
I’ve got the paint in the store and on the shelves and it’s so pretty. Lots of orders and interest and I am so happy that it’s truly a great product!! I can’t wait for our first class in 2 weeks. It’s a whirlwind time but I am loving it all!!
Thank you for keeping me busy!!
The shop is looking so great – I’ll be by soon to get some paint and wax!
Thank you Stephanie!! I can’t wait for you to come in!! It’s changing around there daily- in a great way!!